Lasst Euch entführen in die Welt der Weine und in die Vielfalt der Räumlichkeiten, die die Riesling Stuben zu bieten haben.Wir freuen uns auf Sie!Ihr Riesling Stuben Team
Welcome to our rustic restaurant Taverne!Here, tradition meets great taste. Dive into regional delicacies, freshly tapped beer, and refreshing regional “Apfelwein” (apple cider) from the Odenwald. Our cozy brewery-style restaurant is anything but ordinary. Look forward to a relaxed atmosphere, authentic flavors, and a super friendly team ready to make your visit unforgettable. Stop by and experience hearty delights combined with the unique charm of our Taverne. Have we piqued your curiosity? Then: See you soon at our Taverne!