Das Steichele, Hotel, Restaurant Weinstube offers travelers and locals a place to stay, as well as dine on good food. It serves Franconian cuisine prepared using fresh ingredients. Guests at Das Steichelecan can dine on such fare as ham noodles with salad, risotto with mushrooms or grilled redfish.
Located in Nuremberg, Das Steichelecan has a setting that features original carvings from the last century. It features the Elisabeth room on the first floor for hosting business conferences and family celebrations. The facility also has a winehouse for guests to drink and converse.
Our concept is simple: we create the restaurant we would like to eat in ourselves.For more than 50 years we have been preparing franconian classics as well as our own creations for our guests with regional ingredients. In summer on our beautiful terrace and in winter with a perfect view of the Christmas market!Come by and enjoy traditional dishes - or discover new ones.
American Diner in CINECITTA' is a fun place to enjoy traditional diner favorites. Located in the foyer of the CINECITTA', the restaurant embraces the film vibe and offers specials catered to the day's films. Typical menu items at American Diner include burgers, hot dogs, steaks, Buffalo wings, Tex-Mex foods and Mexican dishes.
Guests can enjoy visiting the American Diner for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It serves an authentic "American breakfast" with eggs cooked any way you like and pancakes, while lunch consists of different variations of burgers, sandwiches and salads than the ones on the dinner menu.