?Reservation• Our restaurant accepts reservations within 30 days. For special reservation requests, please contact us by e-mail or phone. • In order to ensure the dining rights of other guests and avoid wasting ingredients prepared in advance for you, if you need to cancel or change your reservation, please inform in advance.• For special holiday reservations, we will charge deposit of NT$1,000 per person. • We will keep your reservation for 10 minutes. If you need to adjust the time, please let us know in advance.?Traffic informationOur restaurant is located on the 4th floor of Grand Victoria Hotel. The hotel has parking garage.The entrance is directly behind the hotel nearby a blue booth.Meal expenses can be redeemed for parking fee. NT$1,000 for 1 hour. The upper limit is 4 hours.MRT: Wenhu Line, Jiannan Road Station. Exit 3 and walk straight for 5 minutes.?Special seat requirementsIf you have special requirements for the seat (baby carriage, wheelchair, etc.), please contact us.? Corkage feeCorkage fee for wine is NT$800 per bottle, and for spirits is NT$1,000 per bottle.If you order wine at our restaurant, you can get corkage fee free.? CelebrationFor birthday, anniversary or other celebrations, please let us know in advance.? Dietary restrictionsIf you have dietary restrictions, please let us know in advance when booking, our chef will adjust the menu with the ingredients available on the day.???? group activity• Groups of 10 or more people recommend ordering in advance, we can provide a better service.• For private room, our restaurant is equipped with multiple independent rooms for your choice. The smallest room can accommodate 6-8 people, starting from NT$28,000.• For special events, please contact us directly168prime@grandvictoria.com.tw
|營業時間|◾️週一~週日午間11:30~14:30(Last Order 13:30)晚間17:30~21:30(Last Order 20:00)在您訂位之前,我們想先與您分享本餐廳的須知,請您詳細閱讀以下資訊,感謝您的配合與諒解。|訌位及消費需知|◾️每人低消為NT$1000/人或一人一個套餐,依訂位人數計算。◾️6人以上訂位需綁定信用卡,如需取消請於用餐日兩天前取消,如未於兩天前取消,將會扣除一人500元之訂金款項。◾️如有任何過敏或特殊禁忌之食材,請務必提前告知,或填寫於訂位系統備註欄內。◾️如果要趕著用完餐離席或回公司上班,請您於點餐時溫柔的告訴服務人員,我們會盡力完成。◾️若收到訂位確認簡訊,請回覆是否保留座位。請體恤座位有限及餐飲業的辛勞。◾️恕不接受寵物入內。◾️訂位保留10分鐘,用餐時間限時2小時(未客滿、無人候位不在此限)。◾️因不可抗拒之因素或意外,餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。◾️請降低個人說話音量,讓我們一起共同維持安全有品質的用餐環境。|包場訂位|◾️官方LINE或來電詢問包場資訊及報價。◾️可接待包場用餐時間:每週一~週五11:30-14:30、17:30-21:30。|防疫需知|◾️入場前,請配合服務人員手部消毒。◾️除飲食外,離座時務必配戴口罩。|酒水服務費及清潔費|◾️禁帶外食、飲料。◾️洗杯費:香檳杯、烈酒杯、水晶杯NT$150/杯,冰桶、醒酒器NT$100/個。◾️慶祝生日、紀念日,本店提供蠟燭及協助畫盤賀詞。自行攜帶生日蛋榚,若額外使用餐廳餐具,將酌收清潔費NT$200元。◾️懇請所有賓客愛護餐廳的環境,若因私人行為導致餐廳資產或環境破損、髒污、損壞等,將會需要支付相關清潔費用。
Xi Chinese restaurant, which is famous for creating joy and happiness, is a multi-faceted Chinese cuisine restaurant based on Cantonese cuisine. It carefully selects top abalone wings, freshly delivered live fish, and organic vegetables from the farm, inheriting the classic spirit and originality of Chinese cuisine, showing the chef's extreme exquisite skills, achieving delicate and diverse Chinese cuisine, interpreting a delicious feast with both taste and vision.Open Hours:Lunch 11:30 ~ 14:30Dinner 17:30 ~ 21:30 ( Last order time is 30 minutes before closing time. )* Dress Code:Smart Casual* Pets are prohibited.
We are proud to present the contemporary “la FESTA” dining experience. Our goal is not only to create a happy festival dining environment as the meaning of “la FESTA” but also to become the trend setter in contemporary dining.Focusing on fresh and high quality ingredients and real time hand-made dishes, “la FESTA” provides daily fresh food. “la FESTA” provides creative ideas and gives consideration to traditional cuisine foundation.Open Hours:Lunch: 12:00~14:30 (Weekend 11:30~14:30)Dinner: 18:00~21:30 (Weekend 17:30~21:30)la FESTA Bar:~23:00( Last order time is 30 minutes before closing time. )* Dress Code:Smart Casual* Pets are prohibited.