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Restaurants près de Taoyuan metro - Xinzhung Fuduxin Station

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Photo du restaurant 瘋一鍋 宏匯廣場店
Prix : raisonnable
• Shabu-shabu • Taishan District
【春節營業時間】只提供春節菜單1/28除夕11:00-18:00,最後收客至16:001/29-2/1春節11:00-22:00,最後收客至20:30【季節限定】立冬🐐滋補羊肉鍋限定回歸~限定販售時間:2024/11/08-2025/01/2612/11起平日1-5午茶14:00-16:00,每份套餐可加購+10元4oz捲捲肉,以上活動限量售完為止。【訂位注意事項】1.目前開放「30天內」的訂位,訂位【保留10分鐘】,請準時或提前至櫃檯報到。2.可接受 1-6 位訂位,超過 6 人以上訂位或特殊活動,請來電預約由專人服務。3.訂位座位安排皆由現場桌況安排(亦有可能採併桌方式安排)。4.訂位時間請準時或提前至櫃檯報到,若需更改訂位時間或人數,請提前來電告知,以免座位優先禮讓於現場客人(餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利)。5.訂位完成後,若需調整人數或是更改用餐時間請撥打電話至門市確認。6.本餐廳保留條款內容變更與解釋、暫停或終止本線上訂位之權利。【用餐計費方式】●服務費10%另計●店內用餐時間為100分鐘,以訂位時間或是第一人進場時間開始計算●一人一鍋如需共鍋,一人酌收共鍋費200元(單點如達低銷200元可折抵)●國小(含)以上或120公分以上兒童,一人酌收共鍋費200元(單點如達低銷200元可折抵)
Photo du restaurant Mo-Mo-Paradise 新莊宏匯牧場
Prix : raisonnable
• Shabu-shabu • Taishan District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
Photo du restaurant 濤濤海鮮蒸氣鍋
Prix : raisonnable
• Shabu-shabu • Taishan District
加入會員請點我:🔥 熱門優惠快報!新的一年新氣象,濤濤菜單升級囉!✨全新料理,全面升級融入創新與經典,讓味蕾在2025體驗不一樣的海鮮盛宴!客製化菜單,專屬美味自由搭配菜色品項,量身打造您的專屬餐桌。每一口都是專屬於您的獨家滋味!六大類海鮮,一次滿足從鮮嫩龍蝦、肥美螃蟹到豐富貝類,精選全球頂級食材,呈現海味饗宴的無限可能。快來濤濤海鮮蒸氣鍋,探索全新菜單的無窮魅力!與家人朋友共享難忘時刻!粥品新選項二擇一金黃南瓜粥/皮蛋瘦肉粥尾牙活動預定也已經開跑囉!!歡迎各公司行號來電洽詢,非常歡迎可以包場辦活動喔!除夕、過年訂位也開放囉,座位有限,歡迎來電預訂!🎂 壽星享平日8折,假日88折!提前預訂再贈精選蛋糕https://lin.ee/1aZ4ON8 也歡迎加入濤濤LINE好友,獲取更多資訊喔!濤濤海鮮蒸氣鍋是典華餐飲品牌, 與您在新莊典華2樓相見濤 。是由三點水跟一個壽字組成三點水分別代表大海、海鮮與蒸氣壽則有祝福的含義在大海中找到最新鮮的原型食物以無添加的蒸氣方式烹調濤濤期望帶給您加倍的新鮮與祝福### 營業時間午餐11:30~15:00(最後點餐時間13:45)晚餐17:30~21:30(最後點餐時間20:00)### 訂位資訊1. 欲前往用餐請務必預先線上訂位。2. 8人以上訂位請來電 02-8522-6555。3. 8人(含)以上團體之訂位,須於訂位後預付每位$300訂金,方視為完成預訂,餐廳將主動與您聯繫訂金事宜。4. 餐廳開放30天內之預訂,訂位保留15分鐘。5. 另備有三間包廂可提供10人以上用餐使用。6. 網路開放座位有限,如無法順利完成訂位,請來電 02-8522-6555 (接聽時間 11:00-20:00),將有專人為您服務。### 消費模式1. 以套餐為主,單點為輔的方式呈現 / 包廂多元用餐形式。### 注意事項1. 如果您有任何過敏史或特殊需求(如:嬰兒座椅、兒童餐具、無障礙設施等), 請於「備註欄位」註明或來電告知。2. 座位將依餐廳當日訂位排定且無法指定座位,敬請見諒。3. 本訂位非即時訂位,訂位成功與否,將會以簡訊或電話通知您,如聯絡資訊填寫錯誤導致無法與您取得聯繫,即視同訂位不成功。4. 未盡事宜以濤濤海鮮蒸氣鍋公告為主。5. 可透過Line加入好友搜尋ID @denwell.taotao ,加入LINE好友,獲取更多新訊息!非常感謝您的耐心與體諒,誠摯地期待您的蒞臨!
Photo du restaurant 典華雅聚 新莊店
Prix : cher
• Chinoise • Xinzhuang District
加入會員請點我: 午餐Lunch 11:30~14:30晚餐Dinner 17:30~21:30 ?生日壽星享烤鴨三吃88折優惠?壽星贈主廚特製壽桃?2025尾牙春酒|佳餚聚會好時光限定桌菜>>每桌 11,800元起查看菜單及資訊:請來電預約02-85229555 ## 一般訂位:?窯烤櫻桃鴨請來電預訂。?8位以上訂位請來電02-85229555。一 典華雅聚 訂餐外帶請點【我要訂餐】 一
Photo du restaurant 乾杯燒肉居酒屋 新莊宏匯店
Prix : cher
• Asiatique • Taishan District
The Most Joyful Yakiniku Restaurant in Taiwan!Get the Touch Feeling of Being Alive, Let’s Chow Down and Drink Up!Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant proudly proclaim that we are "Gas Station" for every customer by insisting on providing long-term grain fed and high-quality Australian Wagyu through cold chain delivery and aging management, customers can enjoy the joy of eating while drinking!Kanpai Group was founded in an alley in Taipei's East District in 1999. With all the grinding and hustling, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant provides customers with creative and popular activities such as "8 o'clock Kanpai, Kissing Challenge, Wagyu Steak for free? What is your best guess?".After years of hard work and improvement, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant is devoted to providing energies to our customers through delicious and mouthful meat, irresistible drinks, and lively dining environment. This is a special yakiniku culture started in Taiwan.
Photo du restaurant 黑毛屋 新莊宏匯店
Prix : cher
• Asiatique • Taishan District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
A Specialty Restaurant of 4 Famous Japanese Hotpots.Daily Hotpot Cuisine for Foodies with Delicious, Reliable, and Safe Ingredients. Kurogeya specializes in providing 4 Famous hotpots from Japan, which are Shabu-Shabu, Sukiyaki, Mizutaki, and Motsunabe. High-cost performance, customized combination, and quick service are 3 main features of Kurogeya.As a specialty restaurant providing daily delicacy for foodies, most cuisines are less than $1,000. Customers can easily enjoy Japanese Wagyu starting at $680 and Iberico Pork at $580.
Photo du restaurant 樂天�皇朝 新莊宏匯店
Prix : raisonnable
• Chinoise • Taishan District
[![Alt Text](https://inline.imgix.net/menus/-Kr94IvM2wSWMHDSZu-E:inline-live-2a466-LpBLEuM6FWwKjoR7z9x-a95eeb4a-5db8-457f-b823-9948f8d8984f_樂天皇朝_外帶@1x.jpg "樂天皇朝外帶上線囉")](https://inline.app/order/-LRIFWFrmwD1RkG6jysN:inline-live-2a466?language=zh-tw "樂天皇朝外帶上線囉")
Photo du restaurant NARA Thai Cuisine 新北新莊宏匯店
Prix : raisonnable
• Thaï • Taishan District
〔營業時間〕新莊宏匯店週日至週四 11:00-21:30 (最後點餐時間 20:30)週五週六及例假日前一天 11:00~-22:00 (最後點餐時間 20:45)〔訂位須知〕1. 目前開放「30天內」的訂位。2. 當日線上訂位,開放120分鐘前之訂位。3. 8人以上之訂位,請撥打門市電話。4. 用餐時間為訂位時間開始計算90分鐘,如提早入座用餐,則以入座時間開始計算90分鐘。5. 為保障其他顧客權益,訂位及現場候位將保留10分鐘,逾時將自動取消。6. 座位依現場狀況安排,恕不指定座位。7. 本店肉品使用台灣豬肉、美澳牛肉,敬請安心享用。8. 本店禁止攜帶寵物入內。9. 本餐廳保留條款內容變更與解釋、暫停或終止本線上訂位服務之權利。
Photo du restaurant NARA Thai Cuisine 新北新莊宏匯店(年菜限定)
Prix : raisonnable
• Thaï • Taishan District
〔營業時間〕台北忠孝 SOGO 店週日至週四 11:00-22:00 (最後點餐時間 21:00)週五週六及例假日前一天 11:00-22:30 (最後點餐時間 21:00)新竹 SOGO 店週日至週四 11:00-21:30 (最後點餐時間 20:45)週五週六及例假日前一天 11:00-22:00 (最後點餐時間 21:00)台中三井店週一至週五 11:00-21:30 (最後點餐時間 20:30)週六週日及例假日前一天 10:30-21:30 (最後點餐時間 20:30)台中中友店週日至週四 11:00-21:30 (最後點餐時間 20:30)週五週六及例假日前一天 11:00~-22:00 (最後點餐時間 21:00)台北統一時代店週日至週四 11:00-21:30 (最後點餐時間 21:00)週五週六及例假日前一天 11:00~-22:00 (最後點餐時間 21:00)新莊宏匯店週日至週四 11:00-21:30 (最後點餐時間 20:30)週五週六及例假日前一天 11:00~-22:00 (最後點餐時間 20:45)台南三井店 週一至週日 11:00-21:30 (最後點餐時間 20:30)高雄 SOGO 店週日至週四 11:00-21:30 (最後點餐時間 20:30)週五週六及例假日前一天 11:00-22:00 (最後點餐時間 21:00)台中 Lalaport 店週一至週五 11:00-22:00 (最後點餐時間 21:00)週六週日及例假日前一天 10:30-22:00 (最後點餐時間 21:00)桃園華泰店週一至週五 11:00-21:00 (最後點餐時間 20:30)週六及週日 11:00-22:00 (最後點餐時間 21:30)新北林口三井店週一至週四 11:00-21:30 (最後點餐時間 20:30)週五 11:00-22:00 (最後點餐時間 21:00)週六至週日 10:30-22:00 (最後點餐時間 21:00) 台北南港CITYLINK店週一至週四 11:00-21:30 (最後點餐時間 20:30)週五至週日 11:00-22:00 (最後點餐時間 21:00)〔訂位須知〕1. 目前開放「30天內」的訂位。2. 當日線上訂位,開放120分鐘前之訂位。3. 8人以上之訂位,請撥打門市電話。4. 用餐時間為訂位時間開始計算90分鐘,如提早入座用餐,則以入座時間開始計算90分鐘。5. 為保障其他顧客權益,訂位及現場候位將保留10分鐘,逾時將自動取消。6. 座位依現場狀況安排,恕不指定座位。7. 本店肉品使用台灣豬肉、美澳牛肉,敬請安心享用。8. 本店禁止攜帶寵物入內。9. 本餐廳保留條款內容變更與解釋、暫停或終止本線上訂位服務之權利。
Photo du restaurant 詹記麻辣火鍋 新莊總店
Prix : raisonnable
• Shabu-shabu • Taishan District
**Chan** **Chi** **Hot** **Pots** **Lab.** **Xinzhuang** **Restaurant** **Online** **Reservation** **Site**● **Reservation**1. Reserve from 5p.m. on the first day of month for availabilities before the end of the following month. Ex: Reserve on Jun.2 for Jul.31.If the restaurant is closed on the first day of the month, reservations are available from 00:00.2. Online Reservation OnlyOn-site reservation or reservation via phone are not available.3. If online reservations are not available for your chosen dining time, you may queue for the tables the restaurant reserves for on-site guests. Waiting time may vary.4. One phone number per reservationPlease register a different mobile phone number for another reservation.5. Guests are guided to their assigned seat.6. Group Reservations:(a)10~20 guests: At least two different phone numbers are needed for on-line group reservations. Please inform us in advance via phone or website if you need us to combine our tables.(b)Call us for reservation if there are more than 21 guests. Deposit should be paid 7 days in advance.7. For further inquiries, please contact: (02)2998-2794● **Business** **Hours** **&** **Reservations**1.5 p.m. to 1a.m.※We do not receive guests after 00:00※Last order: 00:20※Closed on Mondays※The restaurant is not open during Chinese New Year vacation. (New Year’s Eve to 5th day of CNY)2. Available Time for Reservations(1)Weekdays: 17:00、18:00、20:00、22:00(2)Weekends and Holidays: 17:30、19:30、21:30● **Takeout**Open for takeout from 17:00 to 00:30.1. Limited availability. In-store pickup only.2. No appointments for takeout.3. No delivery service.4. We are not open from 14:30 to17:00 on Wednesdays in the first and last week of the month.※ Rules for takeout services on special holidays can be found on our Facebook page, subject to change.● **Dining** **Rules:**1. Dining time: 120 minutes2. Reservations expire after ten minutes with no further notice.3. 500NT per table to bring your own alcohol.4. Only semi-vegetarian broth available.5. No pets allowed, except for guide dogs.6. No outside food or beverages allowed, except for cakes.● **Payment** **choices**1‭.‬ Cash/Credit cards‭/ ‬Third-party payments‭(‬Apple Pay,‭ ‬Android‭ ‬Pay,‭ ‬Samsung Pay‭)‬2‭.‬ We do not take part in credit card campaigns‭.● **Access**1.No restaurant parking lot. Parking lots nearby are:Parking lot by New Taipei Xinzhunag Gymnasium.(5 to 10 mins walk).Parking lot by Aso Shoes (5 mins walk).2.Public transportation:buses:299、99 (Hsintai Rd intersection or Materials Testing Lab)MRT:Hsinchuang Sta. Exit 1 (10 mins walk)●**Additional** **info:**1. Ingredients of the broth (1)Clear broth: pork bone and kelp (2)Spicy broth: Sichuan pepper, mixed chili powder, chili sauce, sesame oil. Contains no animal fat.2. Can pregnant women eat spicy hotpots?Our broth does not contain ginseng or saffron, which is generally considered safe for pregnant women. We still suggest that guests consult their doctors before making reservations.3. Allergy information:(1) Spicy broth: soybean, sesame, broad bean(2) Pork bone broth: does not contain soybean, sesame or broad beans. (Please contact the restaurant for allergy information regarding hotpot ingredients.)

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