Ristorante Alle Scuderie è a due passi dalle splendide scuderie della tenuta di Reschio, da cui prende ispirazione: soffitti a doppia altezza in cui svettano piante di felci; un’esposizione di antiche selle e tavoli sobri ed eleganti, un ampio terrazzo per le giornate soleggiate e le calde serate estive. I suoi alti soffitti, gli arredamenti fatti a mano e le viste mozzafiato gli conferiscono un’inconfondibile eleganza italiana d’altri tempi. Il nostro orto biologico di fronte alla cucina ha il ruolo più importante e, insieme ai freschissimi prodotti dei coltivatori locali, consente di creare menu semplici con tocchi di eleganza. Il Bar Centrale è il luogo perfetto per regalarsi una pausa, un cocktail d’aperitivo o un drink dopo cena
The western ramparts echo with history, after all this fortified castle was built a 1000 years ago to defend the southern territories from the rampaging north. The restaurant enjoys amazing tranquil views with stunning sunsets and fig trees gloriously perfume the terrace in summer. Everything has been designed and custom made by B.B. for Reschio with a magnificent dresser as the centre piece. Here castle-dwellers are tempted each morning by a splendid buffet breakfast. Traditional Italian specialities are served each evening, using ingredients sourced from the estate or nearby. Other spaces, such as a semi-secluded dining table for eight or the Old Castle Kitchen, where guests can linger over liqueurs and coffee, with a blazing fire in the winter. It is a restaurant for every season
Within the beautiful setting of Terme di Saturnia Natural Destination, a country restaurant serving traditional Tuscan and Maremma cuisine, located just a few kilometres from the villages of Saturnia, Montemerano and Manciano, with a view of the suggestive Terme di Saturnia golf course and the surrounding countryside. The typical farmhouse surrounded by greenery retains the charm of the past with a modern touch, and welcomes guests with a culinary experience that celebrates the flavours of the region.