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Meilleurs restaurants romantiques à Zhongshan District

49 restaurants disponibles à proximité

Photo du restaurant le beaujour
Prix : très cher
• Française • Zhongshan District
【餐廳資訊】‧開放訂位時間每月1號中午十二點開放下個月訂位‧營業時間  午餐時段:11:30-15:00 (13:00為最後入座時間)  下午茶時段:15:00-17:00 (15:30為最後入座時間)  晚餐時段:18:00-22:00(19:30為最後入座時間)‧週間午/晚餐為套餐型態,每人最低消費為乙份套餐;下午茶為單點  午間套餐:NTD2,980+10%/人  單點下午茶低消:NTD500+10%/人  晚間套餐:NTD3,880+10%/人‧週末為套餐型態,各餐期每人最低消費為乙份套餐(下午茶時段及特殊節日除外)  午、晚餐:NTD4,380+10%/人  餐飲搭配:Tea pairing 6 杯NTD 1,680+10%/人         Wine pairing 5 杯 NTD2,080 +10%/人【訂位須知】‧線上訂位人數僅接待4位(含)以下,若人數超過4位請致電訂位。‧訂位需操作信用卡綁定,以確保您的訂位資格,為避免影響日後訂位權益,請留下有效的信用卡資訊才算訂位完成。‧若訂位有異動至少三日前告知變更或取消,當日取消者,將收取訂金ND1,000/人。‧訂位保留時間為15分鐘,恕不接受現場增加人數。如訂位人數臨時減少,則需加點餐點或酒水,補足原先需達之低消總額‧為顧及整體用餐感受和孩童的安全,餐廳僅接待10歲(含)以上孩童。‧餐廳未提供兒童餐點、兒童椅及用具,未依規定者,餐廳有權將訂位取消,不退還訂金。‧用餐當日請著半正式休閒服裝,避免穿著短褲、拖鞋及涼鞋,感謝您的配合。【用餐叮嚀】‧若有任何忌口、過敏的食材,敬請提前告知,請於三日前先預定。‧為確保每位來賓都能享用到餐點的最佳品質,餐點將於您與同行賓客都入席後一起供應。‧希望每一個人都能得到最悠閒的用餐體驗,建議用餐時間約2.5小時,我們衷心期望您保留充裕的時間用餐。‧為呈現餐點最完美的狀態及維護食品安全,本餐廳不提供內用餐點外帶服務。請勿攜帶外食及飲料,生日蛋糕例外。‧為維護顧客權益以及用餐品質,本餐廳謝絕攜帶任何寵物入內(導盲犬除外),未依規定者,恕無法接待用餐。‧本餐廳有權更換菜單。‧因不可抗拒之因素或意外,餐廳有取消或更改預約的權利。‧為提供優質用餐環境並維護顧客用餐品質,本餐廳禁止使用腳架、自拍棒、閃光燈或強光照明設備,敬請見諒。【自備酒水注意事項】‧香檳、葡萄酒、氣泡酒等釀造酒 (750ml內)NTD1,000/瓶‧烈酒等蒸餾酒及超過750ml以上的釀造酒NTD2,000/瓶
Photo du restaurant 栢麗廳 Brasserie
Prix : très cher
• Internationale • Zhongshan District
Réservé 10 fois aujourd'hui
?The reserved seat will be reserved for 10 minutes. If it exceeds the time limit, the reservation will be canceled without further notice.?Please include the number of children in your reservation to ensure dining comfort.?Children under 100cm in height are free of charge; children over 100cm in height but less than 130cm in height are charged half price for the meal period.?Online reservations are not available for designated table numbers and private rooms. Please contact the restaurant service staff to make reservations.?If the same group makes online reservations with different names, we will not be able to provide table sharing requests.?Meal prices and business hours for consecutive national holidays and special festivals are subject to on-site announcements.?The service fee for bringing your own wine is NT500 per bottle of wine and NT1,000 per bottle of spirits.?Discounts cannot be combined.?If you use a meal coupon, please follow the instructions on the coupon for usage rules and meal prices.?Special festivals, national holidays and private rooms are not applicable to cooperative credit card discounts and meal couponsBreakfast (Monday to Sunday) 6:30~10:00 NT$880+10% per person★ Weekday meal timesLunch (Monday to Friday) 11:30~14:00 NT$1580+10% per personAfternoon tea (Monday to Friday) 14:30~16:30 NT$1080+10% per personDinner (Monday to Thursday) 17:30~21:30 NT$1680+10% per person★Holiday meal periodFriday dinner 17:30~21:30 NT$1980+10% per personHoliday lunch 11:30~14:00 NT$1980+10% per personHoliday Afternoon Tea 14:30~16:30 NT$1280+10% per personHoliday dinner 17:30~21:30 NT$1980+10% per person●Special holidays in 2024 are as follows:New Year's Day holiday (2024/1/1), Chinese New Year period (2/8-2/14), Peace Memorial Day (2/28), Qingming Festival holiday period (4/4-4/7), Labor Day ( 5/1), Mother’s Day (5/11-5/12), Dragon Boat Festival (6/8-6/10), Father’s Day (8/8), Chinese Valentine’s Day (8/10), Mid-Autumn Festival (9/17), National Day (10/10), Christmas period (12/24-12/25), New Year’s Eve (12/31)
Photo du restaurant Morton's The Steakhouse - Taipei
Prix : très cher
• Grillade • District de Xinyi
Réservé 31 fois aujourd'hui
When we say that we offer "The Best Steak...Anywhere," we mean it!Morton's has grown to over 74 restaurants, but the vision is the same today as it was when we opened our first restaurant in Chicago in 1978. Quality. Consistency. Genuine Hospitality.
Photo du restaurant 螺(蘿)絲瑪莉 Rosemary
Prix : raisonnable
• Italienne • Zhongshan District
Réservé 8 fois aujourd'hui
Coming Soon!
Photo du restaurant de nuit
Prix : très cher
• Française • Da'an District
Réservé 2 fois aujourd'hui
__在您訂位之前,我們想先與您分享de nuit的餐廳規定,____請您詳細閱讀以下資訊,感謝您的配合與諒解。__因考量菜單原創,餐廳無提供 __素食(包含蛋奶素、五辛素)、海鮮素、不乳製品、 不麩質、不海鮮、不肉類__ 等套餐,感謝您的諒解。如有對個人會造成醫療性危險影響之食材,
導致急性過敏反應如: __生食、豆類、堅果、花粉、酒精、甲殼類__ 等請於訂位時在備註欄提前告知,若無提前通知,用餐當日恕不接受更改菜單內容。如有疑慮請用E-mail或電話服務時間與餐廳聯絡。【特殊加開營業日】-9月份加開9/15 (日)、9/29 (日),營業午間時段,供應晚間套餐。【菜單】-午間套餐:NTD3,800/客。-晚間套餐:NTD5,200/客。【酒水】-午餐Sommelier's Selection NTD1,500/3 GlassesNon-Alcohol Creation NTD1,000/3 Glasses-晚餐 Sommelier Selection NTD2,600 or $1900/6 GlassesNon-Alcohol Creation NTD1,800/6 Glasses-水資以瓶計費,NTD180/瓶-低消為每人一客套餐。(含包廂預訂用餐)-為維護最佳餐點品質,餐廳會依季節更動菜色內容,以當日現場提供為準。*所有消費皆需外加10%服務費。【開放訂位時間】-每月1號中午12:00將開放下個月份之訂位。例:4/1 中午12:00,開放5月份之訂位【營業時間】-週二至週四:18:00-22:30。-週五至週六:11:30-15:00;18:00-22:30。-中午最後入座時間為12:15,晚餐最後入座時間為19:30。-公休日為週日以及週一。如有特別調整,將於in-line訂位系統上開放日期為主。【電話服務時間】-如有任何問題需與我們電話溝通,請於電話服務時間致電詢問。-電話服務時間:每週二至週六15:00到17:30。【自帶酒水費】-750ml為一瓶的單位,每瓶NTD1,000,不分酒款。【預訂須知】-目前僅接受官方線上訂位,恕不接受其他管道方式訂位,包括電話、簡訊、Facebook、Instagram私訊等方式訂位;亦無委託第三方組織提供訂位服務。-訂位時請一併輸入信用卡號綁定以確保座位成功訂入,此階段將不會收取任何費用。若逾時未綁定信用卡,將取消預約,並不另行通知。-建議您預留最少3小時用餐時間,以維持最佳體驗。-de nuit 會於預訂用餐日的七天前(不含用餐當日)將寄發訂位保留簡訊,請務必協助再次確認回應,以保留座位。【包廂預訂和私人包場活動】-6人包廂(最多僅可容納6位用餐),餐廳僅有一個包廂,如需訂位請透過E-mail或Facebook訊息與我們聯繫。-預訂包廂需達到以下低消限制:午餐低消NTD30,000+10%|晚餐低消NTD42,000+10%-私人包場活動服務,請您於2個月前透過E-mail聯繫,將會有專人為您服務。【變更與取消】-若欲變更或取消訂位,請於預訂用餐日的三天前(不包含用餐當日),透過電話、E-mail、Facebook訊息主動提出告知。-於預訂用餐日的三天內(不包含用餐當日)變更預約日期、減少預約人數、取消訂位、或No Show,將收取每位當季套餐之食材準備費,此筆費用恕不保留做未來預約使用。-餐廳保留變更訂位相關的最後決定權。【慶祝特別節日】-de nuit 提供畫盤祝福服務。若有需要,歡迎事先告知需求,如慶生、紀念日等,團隊可為您在甜點盤寫上祝褔並點上蠟燭為您增添喜悅。-我們提供客製生日蛋糕預訂服務:(僅限有預訂餐廳用餐之貴賓,不提供外帶)迷你蛋糕 NTD 450(約1-2人份)如有相關需求,請於用餐日3天前告知(用餐當日不算)。-自帶蛋糕並於餐廳內享用,我們需酌收清潔服務費NTD500/個。【餐廳規定】-de nuit規定僅接待12歲以上的貴賓,且不提供兒童餐具及兒童座。
Photo du restaurant JR東日本大飯店台北 鉑麗安自助餐廳
Prix : cher
• Internationale • Zhongshan District
Réservé 4 fois aujourd'hui
※For reservation for 19 persons above, please contact us by telephone.Breakfast 06:30-10:00 (walk-ins only)Lunch 11:30-14:00Dinner 18:00-21:30Breakfast Buffet: Adult NT$860 Child NT$430Monday to Friday Lunch Buffet: Adult NT$1480 Child NT$740Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday Lunch Buffet: Adult NT$1680 Child NT$840Monday to Thursday Dinner Buffet: Adult NT$1480 Child NT$740Friday to Sunday and Public Holiday Dinner Buffet: Adult NT$1680 Child NT$840※ All prices are subject to a 10% service chargeChild price applies for age 6-12. Identification document would be needed for child price.
Photo du restaurant 游壽司 麗水店
Prix : raisonnable
• Japonaise • Da'an District
Réservé 7 fois aujourd'hui
{ 游壽司-訂位公告 }?用餐方式(只有吧台)午餐定食綜合定食$480握壽司定食$450散壽司定食$480晚上配菜(Omakase)平均價位$2,500上下(當天搭配的食材計價)本店酌收10%服務費*訂位保留10分鐘*遲到視同取消*本餐廳以生食為主*如有小朋友請在留言處告知幾歲*不收美國運通卡*只接受三周內的訂位*每週一固定公休*中午用餐以 [午餐定食] 爲主 如需調整 [配菜Omakase] 的用餐方式 或10人以上及包場 請透過電話☎️02-2391-9298 於營業日10:00-15:30/17:00-21:30之間來電詢問 上述狀況,不接受網路訂位,敬請見諒*由於座位及食材已提前為您 保留及安排如有任何異動,請提前來電通知*訂位成功後,您將收到”簡訊通知” 訂位前1天會再次收到簡訊 簡訊內附連結,請點選連結,確認訂位或取消訂位 沒有回覆,訂位將會自動取消?取消費用的產生*6人以上(包含6人) 須於用餐日前1天取消 用餐日取消,將收取消費50%-午餐定食-$250/人-配菜(Omakase)-$1250/人*包場須於用餐日前3天取消用餐日前1天取消,將收取消費50%-午餐定食-$250/人-配菜(Omakase)-$1250/人用餐日取消,將收取消費100%-午餐定食-$500/人-配菜(Omakase)-$2500/人*1人以上(包含1人)未出席用餐 當天聯繫不到,也未來電取消 將收取消費100%-午餐定食-$500/人-配菜(Omakase)-$2500/人*如您是透過網路訂位 有任何問題 請撥電話到店內更改 避免「取消費用」的產生
Photo du restaurant 泰市場 Spice Market
Prix : cher
• Sud-est asiatique • District de Xinyi
Réservé 2 fois aujourd'hui
Located on the fourth floor of Hotel Indigo Taipei North, Spice Market stands as Taiwan's premier and exclusive Thai-themed seafood buffet restaurant. Our buffet counters are filled with a diverse selection of seafood delicacies, complemented by an array of aromatic spices that invite guests to indulge in the authentic flavors of Thailand right in the heart of Taipei city.CUISINEThai-themed seafood buffetTEL.+886-2-8502-6100HOURSWeekdaysLunch: 11:30 – 14:00Dinner: 18:00 – 21:00Weekends Friday Night: 18:00 – 21:00Lunch: 11:30 – 14:30Dinner: 17:30 – 21:00LOCATION4F, No. 200, Zhifu Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Photo du restaurant Lawry’s Prime Rib
Prix : très cher
• Américaine • District de Xinyi
Réservé 6 fois aujourd'hui
# Reservation Notes**1. Online reservations are available for up to 6 people. For bookings exceeding 6 people or for private rooms, please call our reservation line at 02-2729-8555.****2. We do not accept seat assignments. Please inform us by phone if you have special needs (such as mobility issues, wheelchair access, etc.).****3. For celebrations and wedding anniversaries, please indicate your purpose during the reservation. We will provide a celebratory mini-cake and offer on-site photography and singing to celebrate.****4. After making a reservation, you will receive a Line or SMS notification. If you need to cancel your reservation, simply click the cancellation link in the message.****5. Reservations will be held for 15 minutes.****6. A corkage fee will be charged for bringing your own beverages: NT$1,500 per bottle (750ml or less) for wine and NT$2,000 per bottle (750ml or less) for spirits.****7. Dining with us allows you to offset parking fees at Breeze Center Parking Lot: NT$1,000 consumption equals 1 hour parking deduction, up to 5 hours per day.****8. For self-pickup orders, please contact the following:** - [Online Ordering](https://iwhispering.com/pt_module2/public/meals2/1656819204/home?outside=1)
Photo du restaurant La MESA Taipei 中山店
Prix : raisonnable
• Bistro • Zhongshan District
Réservé 3 fois aujourd'hui
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