Xiang SeOur house is open for you{ 2024 –Autumn&Winter Menu}・Seasonal Dinner sets are NT3,390元+10%。 per person. ・Xunday Lunch sets are NT$NT2,390+ 10%。・Please note that no vegan/ ovo-lacto vegetarian /gluten-free/ dairy-free or any other customized sets are served.・Please let us know at least 3 days in advance if you have any food allergies, pregnant or special dietary requirements.|Reservation policies|1. Reservations can be made 1 month in advance via our online booking system or phone call. After you receive the confirmation email/ SMS, the reservation will thus be successfully made. If a cancellation or rebooking is required, please let us know at least 2 days in advance.2. Please make a reservation via email or telephone between 12:30-17:00 Tuesday to Sunday.3. For In-line online booking system, only acceptable for 1 to 5 persons reservation. If you would like to make a reservation for more than 6 persons, please contact us through phone call.4. Children under 9 years old as well as pets are not allowed in the restaurant.5. Cancellations or changes to the reservation are possible 48 hours prior to the reserved arrival time. However, if you don’t show up, without previously cancelling your reservation, you will be charged a NT$1,500 per person no-show fee.6. For confirmed reservation, table will only be held for 10 minutes from the time of your reservation. After which time the reservation will be cancelled and the table will be allocated to another customer. |Cancellation and re-booking|Please inform us at least two days in advance for a cancellation or a re-booking, contacting us via calling 02-23581819, or e-mailing: xsopenhouse@gmail.com.We don’t accept the number of guests being changed after the reservation is made. Thank you for your understanding. |Terms & Conditions|1.Please note that no vegan/ gluten-free/ dairy-free or any other customized sets are served.2.Please inform us in 3 days advance if you have any food allergies, specific dietary requirements or pregnant. Unfortunately we cannot cater to your requests if you inform us on the day of reservation. 3.For presenting you the best quality of each dish, the dishes will be served after every guest with you is seated. 4.There are opt for outdoor seating areas and indoor seating areas.5.No outside food or drink is allowed. A cakeage fee of NT$300 per cake will be charged if you bring your own cake inside the restaurant. 6.A corkage fee of NT$500 will be charged for wine, and NT$ 800 will be charged for liquor. 7.For maintaining your dining experience, no flash photography is allowed in the dining area. 8.Xiang Se have the final decision-making authority for any other filming or photography session.9.Please don’t bring large decorations, bouquets or balloons inside the restaurant.Please note that, should any condition or force majeure be in place at the time of your visit, our service may also be affected or reduced. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Bonjour, tous(文長⋯ 11/28 後晚餐調漲、午餐調降!)《在她家》不是『米其林』、《在她家》不是fine dining! 我們 極力尋求這片土地上美好的農產品,用心端出盤內的美好 ~並且得到綠餐頒獲『綠食先行者』的餐酒館所以你吃到超過70%的食材,都來自在地永續、無毒或是有機的小農種養。平常時期也不提供一次性的紙巾;而以無毒手洗、日曬、熨燙過的棉/麻布餐巾取代,與滿滿的法式、輕鬆、自在的風格來服務您!目前,我們採每週一~六 6天營業的預約制『季節菜單』(估計4~6週換一次菜單;當然就是跟著季節食材走!)預約時請務必告知需避開什麼食材或是蔬食用餐即可。午餐 Menu Déjeuner de le coin de Sophie週一~六 11:30~13:00(L.O.)前菜:南法燉菜、溫泉蛋、季節蔬菜沙拉佐法式油醋醬Entrée: Ratatouille provençale, œuf mollet, salade de légumes de saison avec vinaigrette française主菜:活該香料醬、刺蔥籽香煎里肌排or薑黃炸雞柳Plat principal: Sauce rougail, filet mignon poêlé aux graines de poivre sauvage ou blanc de poulet frit au curcuma配菜:季節新馬鈴薯ou 57號黃地瓜ou宜蘭有機香米Accompagnement: Pommes de terre nouvelles ou patate douce jaune n°57 ou riz biologique d’Yilan熱飲:手沖莊園咖啡ou生態綠、紅茶ou無咖啡香草茶Boisson chaude: Café ou thé rouge/vert écologique ou tisane甜點:全麥瑪德蓮ou葡萄柚蘋果泥潤蛋糕Dessert: Madeleine au blé complet ou gâteau moelleux aux pommes et pamplemousse$980/位(預約制用餐 / sur réservation uniquement)________________晚餐 Menu de dîner le coin de Sophie週一~六 18:00~19:30(L.O.)餐前飲料:水果氣泡飲ou聞森康普茶Apéritif: Boisson pétillante aux fruits de saison ou Kombucha artisan開胃冷盤:自製法式香草肉醬佐酸黃瓜+全麥麵包Entrées froides: Pâté fait maison aux fines herbes, accompagnée de cornichons et pain complet熱前:季節法式暖心蔬菜湯Entrées chaudes: Soupe de légumes réconfortante à la française冷前:北非麥粒燻雞蔬菜沙拉、半熟蛋OU紅酒培根燉蛋、季節蔬菜沙拉佐法式油醋醬Hors-d'œuvre: Salade de semoule(Tabule) au poulet fumé et son légumes, œuf mollet OU Oeuf en meurette avec son Salade verts en vinaigrette française主菜:奶香芥末白醬放牧雞腿ou永續魚菲力Plats principaux: Cuisse de poulet fermier en sauce blanche crémeuse à la moutarde OU filet de Mahi Mahi配菜:季節新馬鈴薯ou 57號黃地瓜ou宜蘭有機香米Accompagnement: Pommes de terre nouvelles ou patate douce jaune n°57 ou riz biologique d’Yilan熱飲:手沖莊園咖啡ou生態綠、紅茶ou無咖啡香草茶Boisson chaude: Café ou thé rouge/vert écologique ou tisane甜點:法式反烤蘋果派ou蘋果巧克力蛋糕佐香草冰淇淋ou巧克力椰奶慕斯佐米香Desserts: Tarte Tatin OU gâteau aux pommes et chocolat avec glace à la vanille OU mousse au chocolat au lait de coco avec riz soufflé$1490/位(預約制用餐 / sur réservation uniquement)PS: 餐前飲料「更換」成其他含酒精飲料;如紅、白葡萄酒(原價$250/杯)、精釀啤酒(原價$230/瓶)、皆優惠加價$100/位即可。 (除了當天來電預約用餐、需收10%服務費-每三個月即捐出給動保單位,不然事先預約我們目前不收服務費!)點餐時、請務必在備註中告知:1. 任何不吃、需要避開的食材2. 何種蔬食(如不五辛、蛋奶、西方素)3. 午餐是否加點湯品($150/位) 私人包場:$14,000起價(8位;不包含冷飲&酒水,費用另計;提供客制化菜單)請電 0922800097愛吃鬼芸芸 推薦🤩餐廳merci bien
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